TPS Placement Services:

TPS is an Indian based fastest growing and most innovative Software & Hardware placement organization. We have professionally managed Placement & Recruitment team. We have filled over thousand positions in well-respected companies. We provides the comprehensive services as a Permanent, Contractors, Executives in a leading organization both in India and Abroad in the areas of:

·             IT Staff placements

·             Software Engineering

·             Artificial Intelligence

.             ERP Consultants


Our Motto:

TPS explore every avenue and every possibility to find high caliber candidates that will not only match organization requirements, but also increases the value of your company. We believe that nurturing relationships create long lasting partnerships. We have thoroughly screened all applicants and provide our clients with best match. We have ability to test each individual on all of their skill sets. We also check all references upon request.


Understanding the Client's Needs:

TPS believe that the actual search begins with a thorough understanding of our client's needs. When we approach recruiting assignments, we find it necessary to go well beyond defining the specific skill set required. Working closely with you as our partner; we review the business and professional context of your situation and, together, develop a thoughtful description of the qualifications and background of the ideal candidate.                                                          

Developing an understanding of the culture is critical. We obtain this understanding by conducting interviews with you and with key people in the organization designated by you. By speaking to the people who will be the colleagues and superiors of the successful candidate, we will get an overall sense of what it takes to flourish within your organization. 


TPS Is Not Trying to Be just the Biggest, But the Best:

TPS Search was built on the belief that attorneys will seek out the search firm that can best represent their interests. Candidates choose us over our competition because they know that we are focused on knowing our markets thoroughly and serving our candidates in the most effective way possible. We spend a great deal of time with each of our candidates to discuss their particular interests and qualifications, and how these mesh with the firms they are interested in. Because of this careful thought and attention to detail, we believe that we are able to make more placements than our competitors. We have built our business on valuing our relationships both with our candidates and with the firms we work with, and we continuously work to cultivate our existing relationships and to build new ones. 

Because our success has been built on research and because we consider ourselves professional advocates, we expect each of our candidates to understand our approach and our role in the search process before contacting us. We are not here to convince candidates to switch firms and we do not try to sell our services. We are here to be a resource — when you are ready for us. 

Switching jobs is neither a light decision nor an easy process. We realize the importance of the work we do and take our work extremely seriously. In terms of taking care of our candidates, knowing the market, and excelling at what we do, we believe that the results we are able to achieve are unparalleled. 

Whether you are a client or a candidate, we invite you to contact us so that you can learn even more about what makes TPS Search such a truly different and effective legal-placement firm.



